Experience the richness of a vibrant Slovak community while helping to preserve our cherished heritage, traditions, and culture for the benefit of all. By becoming a member of our foundation, you contribute to realizing our vision and actively participate in shaping our future. Joining isn’t just about membership—it’s about belonging to a community that values and promotes Slovak heritage. For an annual fee of $50 you can join us today and be a part of preserving and celebrating our Slovak legacy.
Eligibility For Membership
To qualify for membership, you must be at least 18 years of age and satisfy any one of the following criteria:
• be a citizen or resident of the Slovak Republic;
• be a former citizen or resident of the Slovak Republic;
• speak fluently the Slovak language or a Slavic language;
• have Slovak or Czech lineage; or
• have an interest in the promotion and preservation of the Slovak language and culture.
General Benefits
Copy of By Laws (upon enrolment as member)
Right to attend and participate in General Assembly Meetings, lunch included
Right to vote and run for elections in The Slovak Heritage Foundation (provided you have been a member for 1 year)
In the event of a member's death, hall will be provided free of charge
Discount for renting hall (provided you have been a member for 1 year)
Annual Membership Dinner free of charge
To apply for membership in the foundation, click the link below: